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What to wear, what to wear

What to wear, what to wear

People often ask what they should wear for their session. I may be in the minority here but I feel as though you should wear what suites your personality. Just this week my daughter came downstairs for school pictures. I was photographing kiddo’s at her school, and truthfully hadn’t even planned on doing her. I mean I can do them anytime so why add in another kid? As I was rushing her through the morning (child is slow as molasses in the winter time) she said “I want to wear my princess dress, it’s the only thing I can think of.” After a few minutes I agreed. She then started looking for her tiara. I told her we didn’t have time for any of that and we needed to get going. I went downstairs and finished up her lunch, fed the dogs, and all of my other mom duties before putting on my photographer hat. A few minutes later she emerged with her chosen attire. I looked at her and thought oh you’re kidding?? These things don’t even go together.

At the end of the day here is what I know to be true, having two older ones. She felt confident and empowered in her princess dress and hat. She was happy and engaging with me, she was herself. When we allow them to be who they are in this moment they give us what we are looking for. They give us their genuine personalities and their happy smiles. When we force them into things that aren’t them or they don’t feel confident in it reflects. The best advice I can give when it comes to what to wear is to let it reflect who they are in this stage of life. Let it be something they are comfortable in and fits them well in all ways. They will most assuredly look back and say MOM WHY DID YOU LET ME WEAR THAT!? It will be with confidence that you can say to them, because that’s who you were in that moment, an that’s what made you happy. It will also serve as a memory for you on this phase of their life that will be but a blink of an eye.

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