Newborn FAQ’s & Info.

This page has faq’s regarding newborn sessions, as well as some general info. on what to expect.  Your baby is itty bitty.  At this point he/she only knows how to eat, sleep and potty.  With that said, you can expect your baby to eat several times while here, even if they are on a schedule and doing well with it.  Photographs are a lot of stimulation, so they tend to default to eating.  They will likely pee and poop on one or all of us while they are here.  This is to be expected, and is in no way in need of an apology!  I fully expect it, and quite honestly am surprised if it doesn’t.


How old should my baby be for their newborn session?  

-Newborns should be no older than 10 days of age.  For whatever reason day 6 seems to be the magic number.  Preemies are the exception to this rule, as they are still kind of catching up (for lack of better words).

When should I book my newborn session? 

-It’s best to book your nb session for about a week after your due date.  If we need to adjust the date in either direction, we can do that no problem!

What should I bring to my session?  

-You should bring anything that is sentimental, or special to your family or baby.  Clothes are not important, b/c they typically don’t fit right, and nb’s are best photographed natural, or wrapped.  Blankets are great, nursery baskets, keepsakes, heirlooms.  etc.  If in doubt, BRING IT!!!

How long do nb sessions last?  

-It really depends on the baby, each nb is different.  Some sleep through the entire session, while others are very easily startled, or awakened.  I typically say allot 2-3 hours.

Will I be in the pictures? 

-Mom and dad should for sure come prepared to be photographed.  At the very least you may be used as a prop!

Who should come to the session? 

-Anyone you would like to be photographed is welcome to come.  Mom, dad, siblings, grandparents.  I’m super flexible with my session.



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